12. Launchpad

As illuminated in section 3, Galaxy DAO believe encouraging innovation to solve problems we collectively face, for the benefit of the future, is not an option but a responsibility.

Centralized control and abuse of financial markets & currencies has led to financial crises and economic depressions in recent history, and industrial processes of the last century have churned out products and services without much thought for the effect their waste products had on the planet.

Galaxy DAO believe technological innovation is how we will solve the problems we face as a species, and the DAO will take an active role into looking to the future and contributing toward solving issues humanity collectively face, via the DAO’s Launchpad function.

After the launch and establishment of Trade Planets Galaxy DAO will rollout Launchpad; an incubator for seed and early level startups focused on technological innovation to solve a problem we face for the future – whether they be in the financial, tech, environmental, sustainable sectors, or similar.

Galaxy DAO will utilize the experience and expertise of its members to accelerate these startups through mentorship, resources, funding and networking opportunities, to ensure the best possible chance of swift growth and deployment of their products, services and solutions.

Startups, companies and organizations who innovate originally in solving a collective problem tend to become valued highly in monetary terms as a consequence, and Galaxy DAO will offer its participants first rights to get in on the ground floor and invest in companies on its Launchpad programme in their starting rounds.

Using this approach, the DAO can utilize its unique advantages and the expertise of its members to contribute toward a better future, whilst also striving toward its vision to assist with and contribute to the individual & collective prosperity for its participants.

12.1. How Galaxy DAO participants & interactors can invest in Launchpad companies

The DAO itself will offer relevant companies its expertise to the end of accelerating company growth, in exchange for equity.

Galaxy DAO plans to mediate investments into Launchpad companies through PNT token, and will invite DAO participants and interactors to invest in Launchpad companies in their early stages, with the vision to allowing PNT holders to invest before IPOs and ICOs.

Galaxy DAO propose to offer PNT holder’s a portion of equity in Launchpad startups in exchange for PNT token burn based on the dollar value of PNT at the time. Launchpad company valuations and equity amounts will be announced before investing rounds open and will be decided and offered on a case-by-case basis.

PNT holders and Galaxy DAO governance token holders will be the only groups with the benefit of being able to invest into Launchpad companies, and all investments into these companies will be mediated via the PNT token and Galaxy DAO governance tokens.

Foundation investments in startups can hold exciting profit potentials for early investors. As examples, Dropbox, Stripe, Revolut and Airbnb all were accelerated through launchpads/incubators and now have market capitalizations of around $9.2billion, $94billion, $33billion and $80billion respectively (closest estimates at the time of writing), and millions of users each. Early investments into these startups could only be made privately (not publicly) and only by those afforded the opportunity. Early investors’ holdings within these startups would be worth significantly more now than when they first invested, allowing them to profit handsomely should they wish to sell.

This is the opportunity Galaxy DAO will offer to DAO participants via its Launchpad; the opportunity to invest in startups at the seed/early stage levels.

The Launchpad will be released in future and finer details will be announced before release. Details subject to change.

Last updated