3. Vision

Galaxy DAO’s ultimate aim is to strive for the prosperity of its participants, with the vision of building an individually & collectively prosperous community.

The DAO will achieve this through various means; the amalgamation of the traditional and the modern, growth through efficiency, fairness through community participation, abundance through the sharing of wealth and building for a better future through innovation.

Galaxy DAO have devised methodologies to reach its vision through each of these elements, and will overarchingly assist its participants in reaching economic prosperity through financial asset trading and intelligent investing.

Combining Traditional and Modern Trading

Foreign exchange trading has been around for centuries, and cryptocurrency trading, on the other hand, began just over ten years ago with the advent of Bitcoin. Around the fourth quarter of 2022 daily trading volumes in forex reached $7.5trillion in a day, and the crypto market averaged daily trading volumes of $86billion in 2022 (this, even given that the cryptocurrency market is less than fifteen years old).

Forex trading will continue to exist as long as fiat and government-issued currency exists, and cryptocurrency trading has become so popular that recent estimates suggest 4.2% of the entire planet hold some form of cryptocurrency. As we can predict, central bank issued currency is not going anywhere anytime soon, and neither is crypto or blockchain technology, given that that Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market cap ($510B at the time of writing, based on a price of $26,200/BTC) is limited by code and has no central authority to cap it or take it out of circulation. These two behemoth trading markets stand side by side, and it only makes sense that eventually, the traditional and the modern will fuse.

This is the curve Galaxy DAO will get ahead of; by combining the worlds of traditional foreign-exchange trading and the modern one of crypto trading, it will provide a place for traders to interact and transact with both asset classes, with direct access to each. Galaxy DAO will achieve this through Trade Planets, an exchange which will offer both forex and cryptocurrency trading capabilities, introducing traditional traders to a new world of digital assets, and crypto traders to the established world of foreign exchange. This all within one platform combining traditional trading exchange frameworks with advanced blockchain ones.

Progressive Decentralization: Growth Through Efficiency and Fairness Through Community Participation

Secondly Galaxy DAO will endeavour for accelerated growth of its initial services through the efficiency of the Progressive Decentralization model. An approach proposed by Jesse Walden of a16z, progressive decentralization posits that while decentralized governance and community participation are the ultimate aims of any DAO, decentralizing from the very beginning of a project is to complicate the path to success and ultimately harm the long-term health of the DAO, its products and ultimately its community.

Since the initial stage of any successful enterprise requires product leadership, rapid iteration and dynamic decision-making in response to quickly moving & evolving situations & markets, involving an entire community in every decision would be to slow momentum and risk stunting the growth of the enterprise, potentially to the point of necrosis.

As such, the Progressive Decentralization model lays out three stages to successful blockchain, crypto and DAO projects;

- Product/market fit - Community participation - Sufficient decentralization (community ownership)

Galaxy DAO believes in efficiency of launching its products and services, for this will work best toward helping its community reach the vision of collective economic prosperity in the fastest possible manner. The DAO will follow this model and initially treats itself as a startup.

In the initial stages of launch, decisions on products and services will be taken centrally using the expertise of the founding team in order to launch and grow the DAO’ products as quickly as possible. Once the DAO and its services have become established, community participation will begin in the form of community involved decisions mediated through governance token holdings. These community focused decisions will gradually encompass a greater degree of weight in the DAO’s direction, until eventually the DAO will become sufficiently decentralized, community owned, and the focus & direction of Galaxy DAO will be decided through community governance.

Sharing of Wealth

Galaxy DAO strive to assist its participants in reaching economic prosperity, but the DAO does not only believe in individual financial abundance, it also believes in community and collective prosperity.

A key tenet Galaxy DAO holds true in is the old axiom ‘United we Stand, Divided we Fall’. To this end, the DAO believes collectively wealth can be reached quicker than individually, and that sharing wealth is far preferable to hoarding it.

As such, Galaxy DAO will share a portion of its revenue and its profits with the DAO’s participants.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Galaxy DAO community members will be treated as such, and treated as partners, not as mere customers,

Building for a Better Future Through Innovation

Building wealth for today is a common strategy and an adequate goal to strive for, but building wealth without a thought for the future is the pinnacle of irresponsibility.

It is no secret the planet and society at large is not in the greatest of shapes. Cryptocurrency was said to have been created in response to the recklessness, irresponsibility and institutional greed that led to the 2008 financial crisis and the economic depression that followed as a result. Created as a currency resistant to centralized manipulation, Bitcoin changed the face of society through blockchain technology.

Similarly, human innovation through capitalism has led to an excess amount of carbon being spewed out into the atmosphere as a side effect of economic processes. These carbon emissions have warmed the planet, to the extent humanity now has to take remedial actions and try to innovate out of a problem it has caused itself.

Looking to the future is not an option, it is a necessity, and innovation is how we as a species will solve the problems we collectively face.

To this end, Galaxy DAO will take an active role in looking to the future and solving through innovation via its Launchpad function.

After the launch and establishment of Trade Planets, Galaxy DAO will launch its Launchpad; an incubator for seed and early level startups that are focused on technological innovation in some way to solve a problem we face for the future – whether they be in the financial, tech, environmental, sustainable sectors or similar.

Galaxy DAO will utilize the experience and expertise of its members to accelerate these startups and ensure the best possible chance of them growing quickly and deploying their products, services and solutions to solve a problem we all face. It is no secret that companies who innovate originally while solving a collective problem tend to become valued highly in monetary terms as a consequence, and Galaxy DAO will offer its participants first rights to get in on the ground floor and invest in companies on its Launchpad program in their starting rounds.

Using this approach, the DAO can utilize its unique advantages and the expertise of its members to contribute toward a better future, whilst also striving toward its vision for the individual & collective prosperity for its participants.


Galaxy DAO have a clear vision and clear methodologies to attain its goals and reach its vision. We’ll work together for individual abundance, collective prosperity and innovating toward a better future.

Last updated